I know how hard it is to do all of the things! Whether you work or stay home with your kids, being a mom is not easy!
We love our kids with all of our hearts but the long "to-do" list can drive you insane if you aren't managing it well.
I've done a lot of research and tried just about everything.
I know that we are all different and we all take on life differently so I have a lot of different suggestions in here for you.
Try something, if it doesn't work, try something else.
I know in the beginning years it's hard to have something set in stone so the different options will help you adapt as your children change.
If you have a very young child and especially if you have more than one very young child, give yourself some grace! Don't feel overwhelmed by all of the things that you are not getting done. This is a hard stage for so many reasons. Incorporate what you can without feeling even more overwhelmed. In time, you can incorporate more and more!
My goal with this book is to help you feel less stressed and more accomplished every day!