This hands-on threading activity for preschoolers will help them learn the alphabet, colors, their name, numbers, counting, shapes, and sight words. Plus, it offers other benefits. Read on to find out!
This activity has several benefits for your child.
They’ll learn how to tear tape, which helps improve their fine motor skills.
The threading aspect of the activity is a great way to improve their hand-eye coordination.
The threading aspect of the activity is a great way to improve their hand-eye coordination.
What You Need:
- Yarn
- Scissors (adults only)
- 13 toilet paper rolls cut in half or 26 small paper cups with the bottoms cut out. Use less if you aren't doing the alphabet.
- Black marker
- For learning colors: a variety of colored markers or colored dot stickers
- Masking tape
- Optional: bead or weight
What To Do:
Cut the toilet paper rolls in half or cut out the bottoms of the cups.
Tie a bead or weight to the end of the yarn to help your child through the process.
Write a letter on each roll with a marker.
Tape the rolls randomly on a wall.
Have your child thread each roll in alphabetical order with the yarn.
Talk about the different letters and their sounds. Are they uppercase or lowercase? What words start with that letter?
Draw a different color on each roll with a marker or put a colored sticker on each roll.
Tape the rolls randomly on a wall.
Thread all of the red rolls, then green, then blue, and continue. Or, have your child say the color as they thread it.
Write the letters from your child's name on each roll with a marker.
Tape the rolls randomly on a wall.
Have your child thread each roll in the correct order of their name.
Write numbers 0-20 on each roll with a marker.
Or, for example, write numbers 1-5 multiple times.
Tape the rolls randomly on a wall.
Have your child thread each roll in the correct order.
Or, thread all of the ones, then all of the twos, and so on.
Draw a variety of shapes on each roll with a marker.
Or, for example, draw 4 of the same shapes multiple times.
Tape the rolls randomly on a wall.
Have your child say the shape while threading the rolls.
Or, thread all of the triangles, then all of the squares, and so on.
Write a variety of sight words on each roll with a marker.
Or, for example, write 3 sight words multiple times.
Tape the rolls randomly on a wall.
Have your child say the sight word while threading each roll.
Or, thread all of the "and" rolls, then all of the "the" rolls, and so on.
This is one of the activities from my activity book: Pre-K The Fun Way. The book contains many fun and engaging activities that help your child learn while having fun.

Xx Jeni
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