Discover practical tips for embracing a homeschool routine that works for your family. Learn how to create a flexible, engaging, and successful homeschool experience for your preschooler.

Whether you're homeschooling just one child, or juggling the needs of older or younger siblings, crafting a homeschool routine that works for your family is key to creating a successful and stress-free school year.
Are you nervous to start your homeschool journey? Are you wondering how your child will adapt to your new schedule? Transitioning your child into preschool can be easy and fun!
Here are my tips and things to keep in mind as you start your year...

I love preschool because it's fun, easy and it doesn't take a lot of time. It's also super rewarding because kids learn so fast and their excitement is priceless.
Do you feel like there is never enough time in the day?
Do you struggle to get to all of the activities you have planned each day?
A looping schedule may help!