Turkey Prints Thanksgiving Craft for Kids

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, so why not spend some quality time making Thanksgiving crafts with your kids?! One of our favorite crafts is this turkey prints Thanksgiving craft. 

Start by painting one of your hands yellow and stamping it on the paper so that your fingers are pointing to the right. 
Repeat this step with red and orange paint, ensuring that your hands somewhat overlap.

Next, paint the bottom of your foot brown and your toes orange. Stamp your foot on the paper, toes pointing downwards, and covering the left side of your handprints. This should give the impression of a turkey's body and feathers.

Now it's time to add the turkey's face. Glue googly eyes to the top of the footprint. Then, use the yellow paper to create a beak and the red paper to create a snood. Glue the beak and snood under the eyes.

And now you have a little turkey made with your hands and feet!

Have your child practice using scissors by cutting triangles out of the yellow paper to make the beak.  It may not be perfect but it will be uniquely theirs.

Get the whole family involved in the activity by creating a family of turkeys.   Have each person do a turkey print and write their name at the bottom.
You can do just the siblings or the whole family.

This activity helps your child explore their senses by mixing the colors of paint with their fingers. Allow your child to press their hands into the paint and then onto the paper to make a colorful turkey that will be unique each time.

So gather your supplies and get started on your turkey prints Thanksgiving craft now!

Xx Jeni



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