I love preschool because it's fun, easy and it doesn't take a lot of time. It's also super rewarding because kids learn so fast and their excitement is priceless.
Preschool starts at 4 years old but, if you are like me and eager to start teaching your child, you are probably starting around age 2. Keep in mind that learning time with a 2 year old and learning time with a 4 year old looks a lot different but both ages learn best through play. Sometimes we may need to change activities up to meet their needs.
Be open minded in these younger years. Every day may look a little different.
Check out my other BLOG POSTS for more information about homeschooling your preschooler!
My preschool schedule is based on the PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM that I created. It comes with a check list of everything we have to cover for the day. After we get ready and eat breakfast, we head to the backyard were we do all of our learning. Depending on the activity, we may not be able to do all of the activities outside but we try to.
When I can, I combine multiple subjects to cut down on time and get the most out of the activity. For example, if we are learning letters, I will also talk about sounds. If the letters are printed in various colors, I will also incorporate colors.
The most time we ever spend on learning is around 2 hours but that is only if the kids are really into it. If we are doing a fun exercise or a fun hands-on activity, this makes a huge difference in the time we spend.
The structured learning time ends but learning continues throughout the day. Talking and singing play a huge part in our day.
Songs are a great way to teach your children about all subjects and it's easy to sing while your in the car or in the shower.
Talking happens all day naturally. Maybe you accidently rhymed while talking. Point that out. Talk about colors you see, letters, sounds, patterns... As you are out and about point out everything you see and hear. Bring learning time alive everywhere you go... not just on a paper or through an organized activity!
The thing I love about my preschool curriculum is that the main portion of it is child-led. Letting my kids choose what they wanted to do rather than having something set in stone made a huge difference in our preschool experience.
How much your child enjoys an activity will determine how long you will do learning for the day. Look out for burn out. We want to challenge our kids but we don't want to overwhelm them or make them feel negatively towards learning time.
At this age, your day may be affected by many different things. Think about things like naps, emotions, hunger, or play dates. These can all affect how our day goes. If you only work on a subject for a short time, that may be good enough. Not every day is going to be perfect. Maybe a play date is all that you can fit in for the day. That's okay because children learn so much when they are playing with other kids. Don't discredit play time.
Check out my LEARNING THROUGH PLAY freebie!
Xx Jeni
Check out my PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM! This is where you get all of my unit studies, activities, tips, and more!!
FREEBIE: Preschool Curriculum Map!
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