*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

**See the YouTube video above for the entire chat!

Look out for these Mom Chats every month!

I am so excited to do these chats because talking to other moms can help us in so many ways!

Some of us feel alone but we definitely are NOT.  We might think we are the only one who has a messy house but we all have a messy house!!!  We all have dishes, we all leave piles of laundry, we all are running in 10 different directions at the same time!

There are so many things we have to juggle. We lose ourselves, we disconnect from our spouses, dinner is just another mess to clean up... there is so much to do but we still need to stop and get that quality time for our kids, ourselves, and our spouses!  

We all have a different story and we all do something that can really help someone else!

So let’s hear how we all do mom life!  Let’s meet moms that we connect with and LET'S MAKE FRIENDS!


I am so happy to have Rachel on here with me for my first chat because she juggles all of the things very well!  She has been a positive light in my life and has helped me to manage my own life better!  

Rachel has a son and a daughter who she homeschools and she has done some amazing things for her family and for others through natural remedies!

Here are the highlights from my chat with Rachel:

Driving!  Listen to music, audio books, podcasts...
Getting out without kids gives you time to clear your head.

She gets a lot of quality time with the kids because if homeschooling.
Here are the learning activities she talked about doing with her kids:
And here is the magic clay she talked about!  Her kids are talented, am I right?!?!

She cooks dinner most nights.  It's hard for her to eat out because her son has a lot of food sensitivities. But since a lot of restaurants started offering online ordering, it has opened up new door to trying new restaurants since she has been able to easily check out different menus.
She says she likes using Momapotomus for dinner help.  She has a BUSY MAMA'S GUIDE TO GETTING DINNER ON THE TABLE that helped her a lot!

Her and her husband get a sitter every week, which is funded through a program she has her son in.  Since a lot of restaurants are closed, they will order food, sit in their car and find a show on Netflix to watch. 
Before quarantine, they liked to go to dinner, go bowling, and go to breweries.

Her biggest challenge is...
Not having a schedule.  Especially now that she is homeschooling, it makes it even harder not being on a schedule. 

Some advice she has is... 
Get ready every day.  Whether you are wearing jeans or stretchy pants or just putting on mascara.  Little things will make you feel so good.

Check out my:

Check out my affirmation cards here When you purchase these affirmation cards from me, you get 20% OFF an Aroma Freedom Technique session with Rachel!  She will help you work through your struggles and create an affirmation specific for your needs.

If you want to reach out to Rachel for a session, her email is RachelWilson@WilsonGreens.com

Want more FUN & LEARNING activities for your toddler, preschool, or kindergarten age kids?

Check out my Facebook group or Instagram for daily posts.

Xx Jeni



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All of the products on this page are products my kids and I use and love or products I personally recommend!
All of the opinions expressed here are my own.  With that said, this page contains affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 


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