For the next couple of weeks we are learning about the ocean.
One of the hardest things for me to wrap my head around was that young children learn best through play.
There is so much pressure for your child to not fall behind and I always thought that the only way to do that was through school-type learning.... sitting at a table... practicing all day...
It was such a huge relief when I realized that kids learn best through play. I felt like I could relax and actually make learning time enjoyable.
Monday we did the "Parts of a Fish" activity and then we went to the pet store to check out the fish.
They had these fish there called GloFish. They are so cool! I almost bought one in every color.... I went home to think about it and then my niece won a betta fish at the fair. So now I am a proud owner or a betta fish in a glow-in-the-dark tank. So, I swapped the glowing fish for the glowing tank haha!
This video is super short but it shows how I got both kids involved even though they are on different levels, how we made something fun out of it AND got out of the house!
Activities always go so much smoother anytime you can say, do a good job on this activity and we can go do something fun...
Also remember, homeschool preschool requires 1/4 of the times that public school does because you are one-on-one. That doesn't mean learning stops through. Kids are learning 24/7 as long as you are giving them the opportunity.
For example:
Cooking (counting)
Going for a walk (exploring nature)
Playing blocks (learning colors)
Playdate (social skills)
Helping with housework
Here are the activities we are doing.
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Xx Jeni
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