This week I wrote a blog post on self-care for homeschool moms.  I think this is a great post to follow that because preparing food can be time consuming.  If we learn how to manage other parts of our lives better, getting in that time for ourselves will be much easier.  
Let's talk about food… we have to eat so there's no avoiding it.  When you are a stay-at-home mom, you are preparing meals and snacks all day!

If you are like me, you think about cooking and think... I have to: Find several recipes, write them down, go to the store with kids, find everything I need, find the recipes again, cook (aka: make a big mess), clean the big mess (if you're lucky), and do it over and over again every single day.

Here are my tips to help you get dinner on the table every night with a fraction of the headache.
Have a list of your "go to" recipes. You don't have to make a different recipe every single day.
Write down your 10 all-time favorite recipes in a book. When you are tired, grab it and go!

  • Find recipes that you don't need a recipe for: tacos, burritos, salads, stir fry...
  • Think of dishes that you can switch up, like, pastas. Different noodles (bow tie, shell, spaghetti, zucchini, spaghetti squash) and different sauces (alfredo, marinara, oil and garlic with veggies).
  • Cook a batch of chicken on Sunday and cook different sides throughout the week.
  • Have frozen dinners on hand. I like to have frozen meals on hand. I love the frozen meals in a bag that you throw in the pan and cook in 10 minutes.  Not the healthiest but great for stressful days.
  • One pot meals.
  • Slow cooker meals.
  • Pressure cooker meals.
  • Freezer meals.
Take advantage of shopping online.
Eliminating shopping with kids saves a ton of time.  And I always find that I save money shopping online because I get to see my total before I check out or I can run and double check if we have an ingredient rather than buy it just in case.
You don't have to pay for your groceries to be delivered if you don't want. There are many stores who will shop for you. All you have to do is drive there and pick it up. You don't even have to get out of your car!
If there is a more complicated recipe you love, make a big batch of it and freeze the leftovers for another day.  
Make and save shopping lists!  You can create shopping lists for, simple meals, simple meals with a few fancy meals thrown in, a week of fancy meals, crockpot meals...  Create shopping lists each week, save them and name them.  Do this for a couple months and reuse those lists!   No need to reinvent the wheel every week.
For more tips on Juggling Life, check out my book:
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Xx Jeni



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