Housework isn't the worst thing in the world but it's super frustrating when you work your booty off all day and every morning you wake up to the same disastrous mess.

Two energetic babies, a giant Great Dane, a super hairy Lab and a hardworking Man = One tired mama and a super messy house!

Dog hair is the craziest thing to me.  It's amazing how much hair dogs lose. Even if I vacuumed, I still felt like I was pushing around dog hair with the mop.

It's almost impossible to keep up with dog hair and messy kids.

So then I discovered the Bissell Crosswave!


It has saved me so much time and my floors are clean more often because it is so easy!

And then of course... 
You want to ditch the chemicals because your kids are playing on this floor and spilling their food and eating it off the floor.  Your skin is your largest organ and it's super absorbent so you want to make sure you limit the amount of chemicals that touch your skin. Like with cleaners, soaps, laundry detergent, etc. 

With that said,

I always switch out the cleaner that comes with the Bissell Crosswave and replace it with Thieves Household Cleaner.

The Thieves Cleaner has made it so easy for me to switch out my chemical products.

I buy this one bottle and I dilute it depending on what I want to clean.  Floors, windows, bathrooms, furniture...  

It has made my life so easy!

It's important to find a company that you trust because there are so many companies pretending to be healthy just for a sale.  Don't be fooled by greenwashing! 

Get my free greenwashing guide here: 

The Thieves Story

Young Living’s proprietary Thieves® essential oil blend was inspired by the legend of four 15th-century French thieves who stole from the sick and dying.

they wore a special aromatic combination of clove, rosemary, vinegar, and other botanicals that they believed provided protection while they were stealing. 

French authorities recognized that there was such value in this mixture that upon the thieves’ capture, they received a more merciful punishment on condition that they divulge the ingredients in their secret formula.

Crafted in the spirit of that legendary combination, Young Living’s one-of-a-kind Thieves essential oil blend can be found in all our Thieves products. Featuring Clove oil, Cinnamon Bark oil, Eucalyptus Radiata oil, Rosemary oil and Lemon oil.

The Thieves essential oil blend is so amazing that Young Living gave it an entire product line.

For more information on why it's important to go chemical free and the Thieves product line, check out this video:

Order with me here:
Contact me when you are ready to order so I can get you hooked up with my current promotions. 
Xx Jeni



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All of the products on this page are products my kids and I use and love or products I personally recommend!
All of the opinions expressed here are my own.  With that said, this page contains affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 


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