Life as a parent is extremely hectic!  When we decide to throw homeschooling into the mix, we are left with little to no time for us to STOP and think about ourselves. 

When you are homeschooling younger kids, you are with them the entire time they are learning.  You stop to clean, make food, play dates and all of the other things you need to do but where do YOU fit into the mix?


Not only do we have to look at self-care differently as a mom but self-care looks different for each individual person and through each season of our lives. 

Obviously, as a mom, we aren’t able to do what we used to.  Now, we take advantage of little breaks throughout the day and use that time wisely.


Everyone’s vision of self-care is different.  Throw out the idea that you have to like spending the day away or getting a pedicure.  A lot is going to depend on whether you are an introvert, extrovert and what makes your happy.
For me, I love “working”.  I love making printables for Etsy, I love making my kid’s curriculum, I love writing these blogs…  I love it because, it’s personal development for me that includes my kids while also helping other people.  


•    Short breaks throughout the day.
I will listen to audio books or watch my favorite show while I clean.
Do something for yourself while the kids take a bath.

•    Change of scenery.
Take learning to the park.  Pack a lunch and plan to spend the day there.  

•    Playdates, mom’s clubs or therapy.
I put these three in the same category because talking with someone who understands you is extremely helpful.  Planning a play date or joining a mom’s club gives you time with other mom to talk and not feel alone.  I know sometimes we need more though and that’s where therapy comes in.  Don’t ever feel embarrassed to talk to a therapist.  This season of our life is so hard and sometimes we need that regular commitment to talk to someone and figure things out or see things differently.

•    Taking care of your body.
Self-care isn’t always time away.  Self-care can be putting on a pair of stretchy pants that makes you feel good, drinking water, eating something healthy, exercising, showering alone or going to bed early!  Do things that make you feel good!

•    Find a gym with a daycare.
I love this idea because exercise is important and so hard to fit in.  If you are like me, a lot of it is guilt.  So, I love the idea of sending my kids off to play with other kids while I get that time. 

•    Enjoying a hobby.
Like I said before, this is my hobby.  If you can find something you really love that you look forward to doing, that is the golden ticket!

•    Affirmations
I love affirmations because they help you remember what is most important and help you calm your mind.  You can say things like, "this is only a season" or "these hard days will pay off soon".  Think of how you can look at the situation positively and repeat it to yourself.

Lastly, make sure you aren’t doing things that will drain you even more.  Things like, homeschooling with the wrong learning style or making your homeschooling day longer than it has to be.

For more tips, check out my book:

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Xx Jeni



Check out my PRESCHOOL CURRICULUM!  This is where you get all of my unit studies, activities, tips, and more!!


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All of the products on this page are products my kids and I use and love or products I personally recommend!
All of the opinions expressed here are my own.  With that said, this page contains affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 


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