Is it best to have a special place in your house to homeschool your kids?  Some of us have this vision in our heads of what homeschooling will look like and many times we envision our kids sitting at desks in a room that is set up as a class room.   
What I love about homeschooling is that it gives you the freedom to do what you want.  If you want to learn outside, on the couch, on the go, at the park, on vacation... that's completely up to you!  Your children will thrive in any one of these environments.  Where they learn doesn't determine how well they learn as long as your child is happy.  Although... they won't be happy 100% of the time so make sure you find a good balance.  
With that said, the answer is: it really depends on your child.  
Some parents may need a classroom-type setting because they need that organization.  If you need it but your child isn’t loving it, try to make it more of a relaxed setting.  Maybe get beanbags, a tv or lots of learning toys.  Have special days where you learn outside, at the park or in bed.   
Preschoolers learn best through hands-on activities.  If you have a special space or room where you do learning, make sure it is set up for those types of activities.
Remember, we have to look at how our kids learn best, not so much how we want to teach them.  This applies to curriculum and the environment.  Not focusing on your child’s needs can completely ruin your homeschool experience.  I know it’s easier to do what we want… initially.  In the long run, it will be a lot easier to focus on your child and adjust where they need us to.  
What I do:
We have a room in the back of our house that I cleared out.  I have a kids table and a white board on the wall.  The kids will ask to sit on the floor or at the table to do the activities.  I have a “Look What I Made” board where I hang up all of their art and activities.
Once the kids get older, my setup may look different but right now, this works really well for us.  It’s simple and doesn’t take up a lot of room.  
I hope that was helpful!
If you want a fun hands-on curriculum, check out my preschool curriculum

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Xx Jeni



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All of the opinions expressed here are my own.  With that said, this page contains affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 


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