I'm excited to share this monster eyes activity with you! Not only does it help your child practice counting and number recognition, but it's also a creative outlet that your kids will love.
You'll only need two things: the monster pages and googly eyes. Once you have your monster pages, print them out. Read the number next to each monster. This is the number of googly eyes your child will need to put on that monster. For example, if the monster has the number "5" next to it, your child will need to add five googly eyes to that monster.
Now comes the fun part – adding the googly eyes! Let your child take control and place the eyes wherever they want on the monster. This is a great opportunity for them to use their imagination and get creative.
Repeat the process with different monsters. This gives your child the opportunity to practice counting and number recognition with a variety of monsters.
If you want to take this activity to the next level, you can also glue the googly eyes onto the monsters and cut them out. If you are doing this activity during Halloween, cut out the monsters and hang them around the house or make a little monster banner.
So gather your supplies and let the monster-making begin!
Xx Jeni
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