Help your preschooler learn the alphabet, colors, their name, numbers, counting, rhyming, shapes, and sight words with this super fun Smash the Cereal game!
- Colorful cereal
- Toy hammer
- Optional: masking tape
- Tiles for the subject you are learning about:
- Letter Tiles - alphabet, name, and sight words
- Number Tiles - numbers and counting
- Rhyming Tiles
- Shape Tiles
- Sight Word Tiles
Tape the alphabet tiles on your baseboard and set one cereal next to each tile. Give your child the toy hammer.
You can set the letters up in alphabetical order and talk about how there are 26 letters in the alphabet and how this is alphabetical order. You can also mix the letters up or only put the letters up that they need to work on. Try mixing uppercase and lowercase letters too!
- Have your child go down the list of tiles and smash all the cereals of the letters and sounds that they know. You can also ask them to identify whether it is uppercase or lowercase.
- Ask your child to find a specific letter and smash the cereal next to it.
- Ask your child to find the letters by the sounds they make.
For learning colors, you will not need any tiles. Simply scatter cereal around on the floor and hand your child the hammer.
- Have your child say the color of the cereal before they smash it.
- Have your child say an object that is the color of the cereal before smashing it.
- Ask your child to find a specific color and then smash the cereal.
- Ask your child to find a color by saying the name of an object that is that same color.
Tape the alphabet tiles on your baseboard to spell your child's name. Set one cereal next to each tile and give your child the toy hammer.
You can also mix in other letters in between the letters of their name. Make sure the first letter of their name is a capital.
- Have your child spell their name and smash the cereal as they say each letter.
- If you mix in other letters, have your child smash only the letters of their name, in the correct order.
Tape the number or dot tiles on your baseboard and set one cereal next to each tile. Give your child the toy hammer.
- Have your child say the number and then smash the cereal.
- Have your child count the dots and then smash the cereal.
- Mix the numbers up and have your child smash the cereal in the correct order.
Tape some rhyming tiles on your baseboard and set one cereal next to each tile. Give your child the toy hammer.
- Help your child read the rhyming tile. If they are about to say a rhyming word, they can smash the cereal.
Tape the shape tiles on your baseboard and set one cereal next to each tile. Give your child the toy hammer.
- Have your child identify the shape and then smash the cereal.
Tape the sight word tiles on your baseboard and set one cereal next to each tile. Give your child the toy hammer.
- Have your child read the sight word and smash the cereal.
- Have your child use the sight word in a sentence and then smash the cereal.
These simple and fun activities not only help your child with their motor skills but also reinforce important concepts. So the next time you need to keep your little one occupied, grab some cereal and a toy hammer and let them have some smashing fun while learning at the same time!
This is one of the activities from my activity book: Pre-K The Fun Way.
The book contains many fun and engaging activities that help your child learn while having fun.

Xx Jeni
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