Are you ready to add some excitement and learning to your preschooler's day? Swat the Balloons is an activity that combines sensory fun with educational thrill. Plus, it offers you a window into your child's emerging knowledge of the alphabet, colors, numbers, shapes, and sight words!

  • Write letters, numbers, or sight words, draw shapes, or just use balloons in different colors – whatever you'd like your child to hit or call out.
  • Hang the balloons up using the tape or string, making sure they're at preschooler-friendly height.  Also, make sure to space them out far enough apart so that when your child swats the balloon it doesn't mess with the other balloons too much.
  • Hand your child the fly swatter and get ready to play.
  • Call out a letter, color, number, shape, or sight word, and let your child swat the correct balloon.  
  • Don't forget to cheer them on as they swat to their heart's content!
As they swat, kids can recite the letters or find the letter you've called out.

Shout out the color of a balloon or say the name of something that is that same color.

Count the balloons as you swat them. 
Have your child say the numbers as they swat them or swat the letters as you call them out.

Describe a shape and have your child find it.  
Have your child say the shapes as they swat them or swat the shapes as you call them out. 

Say a sight word and have your child find it or have your child say the sight words as they swat the balloons.

It's an all-out educational adventure! So next time you need to spark some joy in your preschooler's day, give this game a try!

This is one of the activities from my activity book: Pre-K The Fun Way
The book contains many fun and engaging activities that help your child learn while having fun.

Xx Jeni



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All of the opinions expressed here are my own.  With that said, this page contains affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. 


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