This is a fun activity that might have your child feeling a little like they are living on the wild side... I mean, who writes on their windows?  Well, today, we do!  It's all in fun and for the sake of getting away from the desk and doing something a little different.  Let's have fun learning the alphabet, your name, numbers, counting, shapes, and sight words.  

Write random letters of the alphabet on the window. Say a letter, have your child find the letter, and erase it.  They can use their finger to trace and erase it or erase the whole letter in one swipe. 

Start with tracing just a few letters at a time, focusing on upper or lowercase letters. As they get more comfortable, gradually add more letters, until they can trace and erase all of them without much assistance. Later, you can mix upper and lowercase letters.  

For sounds, ask your child to find the letter that matches the sound you make.  Or, once they find a letter, have them say the sound.

Write your child's name on the window.  They can use their finger to trace and erase it or erase the whole letter in one swipe. 

Write your child's name and then write it incorrectly.  Have your child determine which name is correct. 

Write random numbers on the window. Say a number, have your child find the number, and erase it.  They can use their finger to trace and erase it or erase the whole name in one swipe. 

Draw a bunch of dots on the window.  Tell your child to erase a specific number of dots.  Continue until there are no dots. 

Draw random shapes on the window. Say a shape, have your child find the shape, and erase it.  They can use their finger to trace and erase it or erase the whole shape in one swipe. 

Write random sight words on the window. Say a sight word, have your child find the word, and erase it.  They can use their finger to trace and erase it or erase the whole wordin one swipe. 

Write random letters, numbers, shapes, etc. on the window and have them find and erase the items you say.

Another benefit of this activity is that it promotes fine motor skills development. As preschoolers trace and erase the letters, they are also honing their pencil grips and hand-eye coordination, setting them up for success in future writing tasks. Plus, the act of erasing is fun for most young children.

This act of erasing is a fun and interactive way to reinforce the letters they just erased, making it more likely to stick in their memory.

This activity is also flexible in terms of space. Since it requires only a window, it makes it perfect for small or crowded spaces.  This flexibility means that you can sneak in some educational fun and learning at any time of day, no matter where you are.

This is one of the activities from my activity book: Pre-K The Fun Way. The book contains many fun and engaging activities that help your child learn while having fun.

Xx Jeni



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