Exploring science with preschoolers can be exciting, especially when using everyday items. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of apple oxidization! This hands-on activity introduces young learners to basic scientific concepts while satisfying their curiosity about the world around them. 

Let's get started!

Apple (any variety will work)

Cut the apple into two slices. 

Dip one of the apple slices into the lemon juice, making sure it's fully coated. This will be our “protected” apple slice.

Leave the other apple slice as it is, without any lemon juice. This slice will show us what happens to an apple when it's exposed to air without any protection.

Place both apple slices on a plate or a clean surface. Leave them out for a few hours or, for more dramatic results, overnight.

After the waiting period, it’s time to observe the changes! 

What’s Happening?
When you cut an apple, the inside is exposed to oxygen in the air. This exposure triggers a natural chemical reaction called oxidization, which causes the apple to turn brown. However, lemon juice contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and citric acid, which slow down the oxidization process by reducing the pH level on the apple's surface.

This simple experiment is a great way to introduce preschoolers to the concept of chemical reactions and the idea of how different substances can protect or change the properties of everyday items.

Ask your preschooler:
Encourage your child to think critically.
  • What is the difference between the two apples?
  • Did either of the apples turn brown?
  • Did the lemon juice protect the apple?  

Extend the Learning:
Try Other Fruits: Experiment with other fruits that oxidize, like bananas or pears, and see if lemon juice works the same way.
Document the Results: Have your child draw or write (with your help) what they observed. This helps reinforce the learning process.

This activity is a perfect blend of fun and education, showing how science can be both simple and exciting for young learners. 

Enjoy the exploration and happy experimenting!

Xx Jeni



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