Pig Day!!
Pig Day was so much fun! We stretched it out for two weeks because there were so many fun activities.
I'm sure I say this every time but, we like to do the exercise in the morning because the kids get so wound up when they see each other so this help them to get out all of their wiggles!
Especially when you rotate houses, they kids are so excited for the new environment too.
This week we did an obstacle course with some of the gymnastics equipment my friend had at her house.
Keep it simple!
Don't over think it. Once you start over thinking it, it will get too hard and you wont stay committed.
This is so important!
If your kids don't really enjoy reading, try making it interactive or get really excited, maybe even somewhat act it out when you read.
Find a book of pig facts! Even if your kids are a little older and the book is a super easy read, that's okay because we just need the facts and we need to know WHY we are doing the activities we are doing later. It's much easier to reference back to a simple book than a more complicated one.
Not so much a learning activity about pigs but we have a fun craft and experiment to go with this.
You can also check on YouTube for some fun videos!
We grew up with this book and I always loved it. It's a funny twist to the three little pigs... the wolf's side of the story. If your kids are a little older, they might really love
Again, not really a book to teach kids about pigs but we have a fun craft to go with this book.
The Elephant & Piggie books are easy books to read and easy to emphasize so that kids get excited!
Pigs in the Mud!
This is a great opportunity to talk about how pigs don't sweat and how they use mud to cool off.
What you need:
- Pink paper to print the pig on
- Here is a FREE pig download:
- Pudding (for the mud)
- Little spoons (for putting the mud on the pigs)
This activity is so simple! All you do is let the kids put the pudding on the pig paper while you talk about how pigs don't sweat and they use mud to cool off.
Then the kids can eat the pudding when they are done.

Lunch Time!
Pigs in a blanket.
Who else ate these as a kid?
They are so easy to make and the perfect lunch to go with the theme!
Basically, we got biscuits and mini sausages. Wrapped the sausages in the biscuits and cooked them according the the biscuit directions. I broke the biscuits into 3rds.
I used the vegan version of everything. The store only had vegan breakfast sausages and let me tell you... they were so amazing! The next week I made them again for my kids with maple syrup!

Parts of a Pig
Learn to identify the pig, write the word 'pig' and label all of its body parts with this printable download.
The 3 Little Pigs
What we used:
- Structure of the house - Large popsicle sticks
- Straw from the yard or purchased.
- Structure of the house - Large popsicle sticks
- Sticks from the yard or purchased.
After you read The Three Little Pigs , the adults make the structure of the house with the large popsicle sticks and hot glue. I made mine into a tee pee shape. Then have the kids stack the materials against the structure.
For the brick house, have the kids build a house with the blocks.
Turn your blow dryer into the big bad wolf (see picture) and have him try to huff and puff and blow the houses down!
Talk to your kids about what they experienced.
What material was easy to knock down and what didn't get knocked down?

Piggy Bank
This was a fun little activity we did to help the kids learn about money.
You can let them look at it and see the different between pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. Or, if they are old enough you can have them add money.
We used a water bottle, paper, googly eyes, pipe cleaner, and cork.

Other Recommendations...
Look into visiting a local farm.
Even better, a farm sanctuary. At farm sanctuaries, the animals are saved from abusive environments so you are encouraged to get up close and personal with the animals and even hug them. At a farm sanctuary, you get a very unique experience with the animals!
I was hesitant about going because the closest one to me was pretty far and I had two very young babies but I don't regret one second of it! I actually can't wait to go again!
Xx Jeni
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